De bloementuin wordt vermeld in de Engelstalige krant the Guardian als een van de 10 “beste tuinen waar je vermoedelijk nooit van hebt gehoord in Europa”.
Link naar het artikel staat hier
A bit of information for our visitors from abroad:
The ‘Darwinplantsoen’ containing the Darwin flower garden was designed by Hans Warnau in 1952, but it wasn’t realised until 1963. The original planting plan of the perennial garden was created by Henny Hofman-Kuper.
Until 2017, the garden was maintained by the council. Then a group of volunteers took over to prevent the garden from closing. Nowadays, this small community garden thrives due to a large number of volunteers.
You’re very welcome. We still have some hope that the slugs and snails will leave a bit of the garden left to admire…(bring hedgehogs!).
Opening hours: every day from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. from 1 March – 1 December.