Zaterdagmiddag tuinieren

This coming Saturday, 15th July, we will host another volunteer gardening afternoon at Tuin van Darwin. If you would like to join us between 13.00 and 16.00 for some sociable gardening in this stunning flower garden, please do!

It has been a pleasure to welcome several new volunteer gardeners to Tuin van Darwin over the past week.  Sun and rain have helped the flower borders to swell with long stems and vibrant colour. There has been so much growth that one volunteer task today was to selectively trim back flowers which were spilling heavily across the paths.  An armful was removed and shared between volunteers at the end of the session.

Next week on Monday and Thursday morning, we plan to start building two wooden compost containers at the back of the flower borders.  Throughout spring and summer, our wonderful volunteers remove buckets full of weeds. Some of these weeds can be buried between the flowering perennial plants but others need to be removed, to prevent them from re-rooting. The wooden containers will help us to recycle many of the weeds into valuable compost, to further support our plants. The plan is to recycle untreated wood from various sources, to allow us to recycle the weeds.